Sterex Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal, as opposed to hair reduction. Unwanted excess hair can be frustrating or downright debilitating. Sterex Electrolysis aims at removing these unwanted hairs, including solutions for Nose Hair Electrolysis, to enable you further freedom and confidence in your body.
We also offer Sterex electrolysis for eyebrows with the brow mapping service which also includes a brow mapping service at an additional cost.
All prices will be confirmed once a therapist has done a consultation and may vary depending on how many sessions you need.
15 minute hair removal session
30 minute hair removal session
Sterex Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of permanent hair removal, as opposed to hair reduction. Unwanted excess hair can be frustrating or downright debilitating. Electrolysis aims at removing these unwanted hairs to enable you further freedom and confidence in your body.
Sterex Electrolysis differs from other hair removal methods in that it tackles each hair on an individual basis. Though this is a longer and more delicate method, its thoroughness is what enables permanent hair removal.
Sterex Electrolysis for Hair Removal works by sending a current from a metal probe down each individual hair, a combination of this electrical current and a chemical reaction kills it at its root, thereby stopping any regrowth.
Skin and hair type do not in any way influence Sterex Electrolysis treatment, this is because Sterex Electrolysis tackles each hair individually by sending a current directly into the root. With laser or IPL, the skin and hair colour must be sufficiently dissimilar to enable differentiation by the machine and is why those treatments do not work on lighter coloured hair, such a white-blond and grey.
Be aware that in the days and weeks following treatment the dead hair will seem to grow, this is because it needs to come through the skin to be shed. As more and more hairs stop re-growing, you will see this phenomenon less and less until there are no hairs left at all.
Side effects of Sterex Electrolysis are very uncommon, but immediately following the treatment the area may be red, sore and bumpy. This should reside within a few hours to a couple of days.
Hair grows in a cycle of three parts, for treatment to successfully remove a hair it must be in the anagen phase (growing). For this reason, multiple treatments are required to catch each hair in the anagen phase, and therefore permanently remove all hair from the treatment area.
* Results may vary from person to person
Learn more about Laser Hair Removal treatment before deciding.
Advanced, aesthetic electrolysis treats and reduces blood spots, facial and upper body thread veins to give a visible improvement to the appearance of the area. Electrolysis (using diathermy & electrocoagulation) has been used since the early 1900s to treat this vast array of blemishes.
Tina has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience and has been treating these blemishes since 1997.
Blood Spots
(Campbell de Morgans/Cherry Angiomas)
These are bright red vascular blemishes which lie just under the surface of the skin. They are dome-shaped or slightly raised and are frequently found on the midriff, back or front but also on the face. Most people aged over 30 have at least one and they are even more common in men than women. some people have dozens. They are usually approximately 2mm in size but can be smaller or as large as a thumbnail. The larger they become the more raised from the surface of the skin they appear.
Spider Veins
(Telangiectasia Angioma)
These are centrally dilated blood vessels with smaller capillaries radiating from the body. They can be found in isolation or develop together in areas such as the cheeks. They often develop in adult life but children can be prone to them through play/sporting injuries.
Facial Thread Veins
Thread veins are extremely common and mostly affect the cheekbones, lower cheeks & around the nose. They are not actually broken capillaries but rather permanently dilated capillaries. They have very thin walls which constantly dilate and constrict and as we age, these vessels lose their elasticity, can become permanently dilated and therefore noticeable to the naked eye.
Sterex Electrolysis treatments can be booked as close as one week apart, but larger gaps will not majorly disrupt your treatment.
Of the hair removal methods Sterex electrolysis is usually cited as the most painful, but even so, most clients find it bearable and if needed topical anesthetic can be applied.
Sterex Electrolysis works by applying an electric current to each individual hair using a metal probe which reaches down to the follicle and destroys the very root. This procedure must be applied to every single hair in the treatment area.
Yes absolutely. Men make up almost half of the hair removal industry and Sterex electrolysis is suitable for both sexes. Occasionally due to the higher levels of testosterone in men, more treatments may be required to achieve the desired results.
This varies depending on what area is being treated but can range between 15 minutes for a small area to an hour for a larger area.